Sykdom- og Skadeforebygging

Her finner du et utvalg av forskningslitteratur som er relatert til forebygging av sykdom og skade innen para-idrett.

  1. Fagher, K., Baumgart, J. K., Solli, G. S., Holmberg, H. C., Lexell, J., & Sandbakk, Ø. (2022). Preparing for snow-sport events at the Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2022: recommendations and remaining questions. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 8(1), e001294. Les hele artikkelen her

  2. Griggs, K. E., Stephenson, B. T., Price, M. J., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L. (2020). Heat-related issues and practical applications for Paralympic athletes at Tokyo 2020. Temperature, 7(1), 37-57. Les abstraktet her

  3. Steffen, K., Clarsen, B., Gjelsvik, H., Haugvad, L., Koivisto-Mørk, A., Bahr, R., & Berge, H. M. (2022). Illness and injury among Norwegian para athletes over five consecutive Paralympic summer and winter games cycles: prevailing high illness burden on the road from 2012 to 2020. British journal of sports medicine, 56(4), 204-212. Les abstraktet her